
04/07/2015 Invitation for "Paddayam" ceremony of Karaitivu Siththanaikuddy temple(attachment)
04/07/2015 A.Nhorksehha celebrated her 1st birthday recently (Photos)
04/07/2015 Kannamani passed away-Karaitivu-07.She is wife of Kanapathipillai and mother of Vijeyaledshumi,Parimalathevi,Atputhanathan(Railway Dept. Batticaloa),Kamalathevi(Short hand typing,Pottuvil Court),Sasikalathevi,Late Puvaneswary,Raveenthiranathan,Sivayokanathan.
01/07/2015 Mr.M.Ramaneetharan & Mr.A.Sanjeevan have been selected from Karaitivu for Education & Training instructors for technical colleges(attachment)
01/07/2015 Karaitivu Ahilan Nadesan(Karayamsan)'s Tamil Poem-click here for video link.
01/07/2015 Permanent appointment for 19 member of staff from Karaitivu Pradesiya Sabha(Photo)
01/07/2015 "Neerakaram" at Karaitivu for Kathirgamam Pilgrimages(Photos)
29/06/2015 Mrs.Thavamalar Nadesan(Karaitivu/Australia)(Thavakka)'s 70th Birthday celebrated on 22/06/2015 at Karaitivu & 28/06/2015 in London(Photos)
26/06/2015 Late ILangovan & Jothy's son Tharziv's 21st surprise Birthday party was held on 24/05/2015 at Baba Banquet Halls & Catering in Canada(Photos)