
25/04/2013 Miss.Suhethana Balakrishnan Confirmed of BA degree in English at the General Convocation held at Eastern University Vantharumoolai. She was also awarded 'Thambimuthu Solaman Vethanayagam Memorial Award-2011' for the best performance in English Language(Photos)
25/04/2013 Priyatharsan's Family Excursion visit photos to Uganthi Murugan Temple and Kumana National Park on 21st April 2013( Photos by Priyatharsan)
23/04/2013 Ravichandran/Rajani's daughter Vithya celebrated her 16th Birthday in Australia on 21/04/2013(Photos)
23/04/2013 Mr.Sunthararajan, Principal has been awarded Master of Education( M.Ed) at the Convocation held on 21st April 2013 at Eastern University, Sri Lanka(Photos)
22/04/2013 Free Spectacles(Eye Glasses) given to Karaitivu people by Kalmunai Rotary Club at
22/04/2013 News paper article-click here
22/04/2013 News paper article-click here
22/04/2013 Paandiruppu Sri Siththi Vinayagar temple "Sangabishekam" on 22/04/2013(Photos)
21/04/2013 Nesarasa surveyor's second daughter Varanya graduated on 20/04/2013 as Bsc from EUSL, Vantahumoolai
21/04/2013 K.S.C.Cultural Sports Meet photos by Piyadasa.