
12/10/2012 Mr.Vanniyasingham(Principal) & Kalaivani(Engineer)'s Twins daughters celebrated their 1st Birthday recently at Batticaloa(Photos)
12/10/2012 BUDS(London) 25th anniversary this year & will be having dinner & dance to raise fund to perform activities. On November 10th at 1 Poppin Business Centre,Wembley, Middx, HA9 0HB from 7pm till dawn.This time famous south Indian Artist Krish to grace the occasion(info by Venugopal on 075850927964)
12/10/2012 "Neengatha Ninaivukal"(Photos)
12/10/2012 Karaitivu Vipulananda Montessori Students & Parents visited to Batticaloa R.K.M. home(Photos)
10/10/2012 "Mahintothaya" Lab at Karaitivu Vipulananda Central College(Photos)
10/10/2012 Karaitivu Year-5 Scholarship students been Honoured at Kalmunai(Photos by V.T.Saha)
10/10/2012 Miss Divanuja Sahadevarajah celebrated her 10th Birthday with her friends at home(Photos)
10/10/2012 Karaitivu Montessori's Students Educational Tour(Photos)
10/10/2012 Karaitivu Vipulananda Montessori School students Educational Tour(Photos)
10/10/2012 Island 2nd Rank & District 1st Rank Year-5 Scholarship student(Karaitivu) Thuvarakesh Interviewed by Saha(Photos)