
01/04/2012 Kannan & Sithy(London)'s son Kandeebhan blessed with a baby boy on 31/03/2012(Photo)
31/03/2012 Saswin's 1st birthday invitation Mr.Mrs Vijayakumar Karthiga's son & late Mr.Thamotharam sir, Mrs. Parameshwary teacher's grandson 'SASWIN' going to celebrate his 1st birth day on 01:04:2012 at his home. Welcome to all. Info: saswin's mama vasikan from london.
31/03/2012 Karaitivu Vipulananantha International College(English Medium) celebrated Swami Vipulanantha's 120th Birthday(Photos)
31/03/2012 News paper article-click here
31/03/2012 News paper article-click here
31/03/2012 News paper article-click here
31/03/2012 Peace meeting at Karaitivu on 31/03/2012(Photos)
27/03/2012 Front Page of "Yarlnool" and Letter written by Swami Vipulananthar to Marumahal Kannammakka(Photos&attachment)
27/03/2012 Karaitivu University students about Swami Vipulananthar(attachment by Kajendran))
27/03/2012 Swami Vipulanantha's 120th Birthday celebration at Karaitivu(Photos)