04/02/2010 "Anjali" of Dengue victim at Vipulananda international college Karaitivu. |
02/02/2010 Late pakkiyarajah principal's wife Puvaneswary's funeral photos- B |
02/02/2010 Late pakkiyarajah principal's wife Puvaneswary's funeral photos- A |
02/02/2010 Thaipongal celebration in Canada(Photos) |
02/02/2010 Newspaper article-click here |
01/02/2010 Kamal's(India) sister's son "Sajanth" funeral photos. |
01/02/2010 S.Sivanesan (son of Mrs.S.Kangeswary of Kandasamy Kovil Road, Karaitivu-11) marries M.Ledchumi (Daughter of Manikkawasagam - Retired Heavy Vehicle Transporter Lorry Operator, NEMO, Ampara &sister in law of Nageswaran , Police ) of Thesigar Veethy, Karaitivu-11 on 03/02/2010 |
31/01/2010 Old nursery photo from karaitivu, taken around1972-73 period. |
31/01/2010 Newspaper article-click here |
31/01/2010 Poopalaretnam Sutharsan's reception photos. |