*AGM -2009*


Dear Friend,

The Swami Vipulananda Arts Society-Canada (Society) is a non-profit organization established on year2002, for the purpose of promoting cultural activities and educating youth of the valuable contributions made by the first Tamil Scholar "Swami Vipulananda". 


The late Swami Vipulananda, was a theologian with profound knowledge in science and literature, was born in the eastern province of Sri Lanka. The "Swami's" rare blend of  talents and skills are confirmed and are reflected through his contributions made to the society as a professor, researcher, news paper editor, social reformist, dramatist, poet, prophet and schools manager. The Swami Vipulananda is respected as a versatile Tamil Luminary  by the people living all over the world. The Tamil community in particular, is greatly indebted to Swami Vipulananda, for the immense service and guidance he rendered.


The Society takes pride in organizing commemorative celebrations in Canada, with cultural show and an exhibition annually since 2003.


The society has scheduled to call the 6th AGM for the year 2009. The previous one had to be postponed due to the bad weather. Therefore, we are  kindly inviting you to participate and contribute your ideas for the Annual General meeting held


on Sunday February 22 ,2009  @ 9.00 AM at Scarborough Civics Centre.


Thanking you.


Ajantha Gnanamuttu                                                                                                                                                        K. Erampamoorthy

President                                                                                                                                                                          Secretary







RthkptpGyhee;jH fiykd;wk; - fdlh


tUlhe;j nghJf;$l;lk; - 2009



vkJ kd;wj;jpd; rfy cWg;gpdHfs; eyd;tpUk;gpfs;> MjuthsHfs; midtUf;Fk;>



jhq;fs; vkJ kd;wj;jpy; nfhz;Ls;s MHtj;jpw;Fk; toq;Fk; Nritfs;> cjtpfs; ahtw;wpw;Fk; ed;wpiaj;


njhptj;Jf;nfhs;tJld; ,t;thz;bw;fhd tUlhe;j nghJf;$l;lk; vjpHtUk;


22e;jpfjp Qhapw;Wfpoikad;W fhiy


9.00 kzpf;F Scarborough Civics Centre y;  eilngwTs;sJ vd;gjid mwpaj;jUfpd;Nwhk;.


ehk; Kd;dh; mwptpj;jgb ,t;thz;bw;fhd nghf;$l;lk; fhyepiy fhuzkhf eilngwKbahky; Nghdjw;fhf kd;wk;


jdJ tUj;jj;ij njhptpj;Jf;nfhs;fpd;wJ.  


NkYk;> jq;fs; gq;fspg;gpidAk; MjuitAk; kd;wk; njhlHe;J vjpHghHg;gJld; Gjpa mq;fj;jtHfis vk;NkhL


,izj;Jf; nfhs;s jq;fs; ez;gHfs; kw;Wk; cwtpdHfisAk; eilngwTs;s nghJf;$l;lj;jpw;F


mioj;Jte;J mjpy; fye;Jnfhz;L Mf;f G+Htkhd MNyhridfis toq;FtJld; GjpaepUthfj;jpy; gq;nfLj;J


kd;w eltbf;ifis Kd;ndLj;Jr; nry;Yk;gb jathff; Nfl;Lf;nfhs;Sfpd;Nwhk;.




   f.Vuk;g%Hj;jp                                             m[e;jh QhdKj;J

            nrayhsH;                                                       jiytH