20/05/2010 The Members of Karaitivu Sathya Sai Centre centre have paid a visit to the Vaharai Thilagavathiyar Girls Home on 16/05/2010 
and donated Mosquito nets, Silver cups etc worth of Rs 10,000/= . Mr.Muthulingam, the founder member of Kalmunai & Karaitivu have been one this 24 member team who has visited the above place. 
The visiting team have noticed that the 38 students of this Thilagavathyar centre are living there without the basic facilities like proper clothing, pillows, damaged beds etc. 
their immediate requirements are:

1) clothing includes undergarments
2) Pillows
3) Ply wood spreads for the beds etc.
The Karaitivu Sai Samiththy is trying to fulfill at least some of their needs. Also Sai Samiththy is inviting every human being to join hands with them to do this service as soon as possible.(Attached Some Photos) 

The President : Mr.A.Kuganesan (T.P:0776620172)

The Treasurer : Mr.N.Thevathasan (T.p: 0774412972)
(This request was brought by the President Kugan to display in karaitivu.com)