2009 final Match was held on 17.10.2009 (2.30pm) at Kanagaratnam Stadium, as an evening session DEEPAVALI SPECIAL football match also commenced. Chief Guest : Mr.S.Ramakrishnan, Divisional Secretary Karaitivu Guest of Honour: Mr.S.Krishnapillai (Retd. Principal) Special Guests: Mr.K.Sacikarapavan(B.Sc-Teacher) Mr.K.Jeyakarapavan (Technical Office ACAD’s,Ampara) Mr.T.Asairajah (MA / President VSC) Mr.S.Nesarajah(Surveyor/Advisor VSC)       Mr.V.Kulenthiran (B.Com/President KCC) Achievements of the Events:      VSC got Champion in foot ball  BLSC –Sainthamaruthu got Champion in Cricket