Door to Door FACILITY SHOP


SoundSmart” Facility Shop will provide reliable, dependable Door to Door

 Multi Services with reasonable charges including traveling, courier etc. by friendly & respectable staff, to those who need the following services or any other services you require due to pressure of work in your Offices/ homes.


  1. To arrange Seminars in factories & Offices to motivate workers & staff
  2. To advice how to retain workers in factories, offices etc. due high labour turnover
  3. To meet business partners / relations at the airport & attend to their needs.
  4. To arrange safe & reliable transport for friends & relations from abroad
  5. To clear & deliver declared foreign parcels to those who cannot visit to clear
  6. To look after business, house & property and parents of those who are abroad
  7. To take care of young / old children who needs counseling for a happy life
  8. To keep company with sick elders & children who love to talk to outsiders for a change due to loneliness
  9. To accompany children & elders to visit friends, relations & places here / abroad
  10. To teach Sinhalese, Tamil & English to live in peace in our mother land
  11. To make Uniforms for School children & offices, hotels and T-Shirts, Caps etc.
  12. To arrange Transport in your own / hired vehicle (schools, offices, tuition classes, hospitals, banks, airport, weddings, outreach programs etc.)
  13. To pay your monthly bills etc.
  14. To pick & return your vehicles after service / repair / wash while you are in your Offices & homes
  15. To buy  monthly provisions for elderly / sick / lonely ladies & gents
  16. To do minor repairs of houses / offices, pipe lines, kitchen items, electrical & electronic items, furniture & fittings, and cleaning houses / offices / gardens etc
  17. To arrange small family parties including food, soft drinks, decorations etc. 
  18. To arrange religious functions at homes & offices
  19. To arrange daily house / office helpers / nurses / gardeners


Please mention the Services you require and register your name/ contact details with Rajan, who has more than 30 years experience as Senior Administrative Manager


Mobile Nos. 077 5225789, 077 7783451,

Office: 011 2868042

e-mail: or